ECSS Environment Network

The ECSS Environmental Network is an integral part of the ECSS province. It was established in March 2023 by The Archbishop and Primate, Rev. Justin Badi Arama. This office has been initiated in order to help the church engage in combating the seriously growing and devastating impact of climate change as well as the impeded conditions of livelihood in South Sudan.
The church has a fundamental role to play in fighting the devastating effects of climate change and livelihood conditions due to its potential to congregate large numbers of people, to preach relevant messages and to motivate individuals and communities to adjust to positive behavior patterns.
The Episcopal Church of South Sudan Environmental Network, with an aim at caring for God’s creation is therefore, gearing towards environmental management, conservation and livelihood through a range of programs including; Afforestation, Reforestation, Water and Sanitation and Food Security. The office is composed of devoted and experienced team of volunteers with expertise in natural resources management, biodiversity, agriculture, communications, civil engineering, among others, working in a network, and armed to mitigate the impact of climate change and to improve the conditions of livelihood to communities within its scope.
Our environmental programs are at present executed in a limited scope within a demographic area of four internal provinces namely: the Episcopal Diocese of Juba as an internal province whose headquarters is in Juba; Central Equatorial Internal Province with headquarters in Rejaf, Jonglei internal Province in Bor, and Eastern Equatoria internal province with its headquarters in Torit. However, with growing funding and partnership, we hope to gradually enlarge our scope to cover all the internal provinces of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan.